Photo Research (1985)

Photo Research, studio view
Studio view: Photo Research, 1985. Photo: the Artist.

General Description

Photo Research is a suite of twelve archival silver prints, citations are marked in red ink. The details are titled: Spirals & Cones, Fashion, Discs, Human Form, Logos, Maps, Chairs, Numbers, Grids, Definitions of Space, Globes and Repetitive Patterns.

Dimensions: The individual prints are 49 x 59 centimeters.

There is an Edition of three consisting of twelve archival silver prints. Edition 1 and 3: Collection of the Artist. Edition 2: Collection of the Art Bank.


Photo Research is a part of the artist’s first solo exhibition at YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto, and titled Means of Measurement.

The press release for this exhibition reads as follows:

Means of Measurement is a sculptural and photographic installation concerned with the division and definition of bodies, exemplified by earth, human form and space. These works are inspired by historically conventional representations and a desire to vary these perceptions. The photographic work is a reference study which defines the various concerns involved in creating the sculptural pieces; it loosely connects various systems of division defined within the fields of design, fashion, art, architecture, nature and metaphysics. - Lee Dickson, 1987.

The other works in this exhibition were: Measuring Device, Mattered World and Unresolved.

Exhibition History

1987 Means of Measurement, (solo) YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto, Ontario
1988 Means of Measurement, (solo) Niagara Artists' Centre, St. Catharines, Ontario
1988 Lee Dickson & Robert Cishecki, (duo) Gallery 101, Ottawa, Ontario
1989 Lee Dickson, (solo) Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta
1991 Art Bank Exhibition, (group) Rideau Hall, Ottawa, Ontario


Grenville, Bruce. Lee Dickson. Lethbridge: Southern Alberta Art Gallery. 1990.
Thériault, Michèle. Perspective 90: Lee Dickson and Douglas Walker, Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1990.


Baele, Nancy. "Visual Arts." The Ottawa Citizen Jul 7 1988.
Grenville, Bruce. "Review: Lee Dickson, YYZ Artists’ Outlet, Toronto." Parachute 47 [Montreal] 1987: 41-42.
Parallelogramme [Toronto]. Dec-Jan 1987: 94, photo.
Thériault, Michèle. "Perspective 90: Lee Dickson and Douglas Walker." AGO News 12.7. Jul/Aug 1990: Photo.


The Canada Council.

Photo Research, Detail: Chairs

Photo Research, Detail: Definitions of Space
Definitions of Space

Photo Research, Detail: Discs

Photo Research, Detail: Fashion

Photo Research, Detail: Globes

Photo Research, Detail: Grids

Photo Research, Detail: Human Forms
Human Forms

Photo Research, Detail: Logos

Photo Research, Detail: Maps

Photo Research, Detail: Numbers

Photo Research, Detail: Repetitive Patterns
Repetitive Patterns

Photo Research, Detail: Spirals & Cones
Spirals & Cones