Exhibition Archive

Site under construction

As time permits, the intention is to scan the invitations, anouncements, reviews and so on, for the shows I've participated in. These will be accessable in PDF format. In the meantime, please see "Selected Exhibition Catalogues" and "Selected Bibliography" under Curriculum Vitae for listings.

Uncommon Objects
Uncommon Objects / Lee Dickson
5 August - 15 Septpember 1985
York Quay Centre, Harbourfront, Toronto, Ontario

Invitation, designed by the artist
Means of Measurement, YYZ
Means of Measurement
4 - 28 February 1987
YYZ Artists' Outlet, Toronto, Ontario

Invitation, designed by the artist
'The heart is located...Part I'
Lee Dickson / Sculpture
21 October - 29 November 1989
Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta

'The heart...', Mercer Union
'The heart is situated in the center of the chest because conditions are more temperate there.'
4 January - February 3 1990
Mercer Union, Toronto, Ontario

Invitation, designed by the artist
The Cabinet, Visual Arts Ontario
Lee Dickson / 1994 / The Cabinet
1 June - 1 July 1994
Visual Arts Ontario, Toronto, Ontario

Invitation, designed by the artist
The Caldron, Presentation House
Lee Dickson / The Caldron
14 September - 23 October 1994
Presentation House, North Vancouver, British Columbia

Hannah, Ottawa Art Gallery
7 December 2000 - 4 Feburary 2001
The Ottawa Art Gallery / La Galerie d'art d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
